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NHS North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group (NCL CCG) wants to hear from Barnet residents about their experiences of community health services and mental health services. -
Advice and Information -
Advice from Public Health England for all women of childbearing age, those pregnant or breastfeeding -
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Discover the Barnet Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and its vision for improving the health and wellbeing of all those who live, study and work in Barnet. -
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Do you have experience with children? You could help Home-Start Barnet make a real difference to the lives of local families says Communications and Engagement Manager, Victoria Anderson-Adair. -
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In June, Healthwatch Barnet published a report into local people's experiences of using patient transport services. We're pleased to say that our recommendations are echoed in NHS England’s new review of non-emergency transport services. -
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In our new "Healthwatch Barnet introduces ..." series of interviews with health and social care workers, we meet Sharif Mussa, Peer Support Worker at the North Middlesex University Hospital, and find out what his role entails. -
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Throughout the pandemic, GPs had to adjust their services to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Healthwatch Barnet has gathered insight from residents to find out what they make of the new arrangements and remote appointments. -
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The Healthwatch Barnet September newsletter is out now! -
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Recent research has shown over 2 million adults in England may have had Long COVID. Are you one of them? Please help us gather insight to improve local services. -
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Millions of people have had their treatment delayed by the pandemic – are you one of them? We want to know if you’re getting the advice, information and support you need while you wait. -
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Healthwatch Barnet is working with a group of local GPs to improve the care they and their teams provide. We are looking for people willing to take part in a survey exploring their understanding of advance care planning. -
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Our Enter and View team visited Cedars Care Centre as part of a Virtual Visit Pilot. -
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Read the minutes from the Healthwatch Barnet Advisory Board Meeting held on 8 October 2021. -
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Caroline Walker of Barnet Libraries introduces their Reading Well collections. -
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Taking care of your teeth is vital to good health. If you have questions about finding a dentist, or related questions, this article is full of advice. -
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A report on our special online event on the development of the Integrated Care System in Barnet. -
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If you or your child has an urgent but not-life-threatening medical need, make sure you visit NHS 111 online or dial 111 first rather than going straight to A&E. -
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During October and November, Healthwatch Barnet visited five of Barnet’s public libraries in a series of events to chat to local residents, our first face-to-face events in over a year. -
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More than 200 people including service users, carers and residents took part in the Community Mental Health Summit on 10 November to hear how community mental health is being transformed in Barnet. -
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Following publication of our report into the challenges deaf people face accessing their GP, Healthwatch Barnet ran follow-up focus groups on the experiences of deaf residents on access to more general health services. -
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In association with Barnet Integrated Learning Disability Service and Barnet Mencap, Healthwatch Barnet arranged a special My Health Matters event. Catch up with what was discussed here. -
Advice and Information -
Scientists are concerned that more people are likely to get flu this winter as fewer people will have built up natural immunity to it during the COVID-19 pandemic. The flu vaccine protects people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu. -
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Irfan Iqbal of Barnet Libraries introduces their libraries on wheels! -
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In association with North Central London CCG (NCL CCG) we have launched a campaign to ensure that everyone in Barnet is equipped with the information you need to stay well from now until the arrival of the summer. Check out our tips and advice. -
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The NHS in North Central London has agreed to temporarily close NHS walk-in centre services at Edgware Community Hospital, effective from 6pm on 24 December 2021. -
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Former Mayor of Barnet, Lisa Rutter introduces Dementia Club UK, the charity she founded in 2015 to help those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers. -
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The NHS is seeing an increase in respiratory illness in children, as COVID restrictions ease and people mix more. Here's what to look for and where to get help if it's needed. -
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Barnardo’s has launched a special helpline called Boloh, for parents and carers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. -
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Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Public Survey in Barnet -
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Jenny Jean-Charles, Services manager Age UK Barnet, explains what they are doing to prevent people falling victim to scams and to support victims. -
Advice and Information -
With the removal of restrictions, vaccination continues to be our most vital and effective defence against COVID-19. We've gathered the latest information on where to get your COVID vaccine or booster in Barnet. -
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For our new Snapshot Insight report we spoke to Barnet people about what they understand Advance Care Planning to mean, in order to help local GPs overcome the barriers stopping people accessing the many benefits of ACP. -
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Clear, understandable information is important to help you make the right health and care decisions. Join the Healthwatch campaign and have your say on what needs to change.