The Healthwatch Barnet Libraries Roadshow

During October and November, the Healthwatch Barnet team visited five of Barnet’s public libraries in a series of events to gather people’s thoughts on health and social care services in the borough.
We spoke to over 120 people, distributed information, contact details and promotional material.
Huge thanks to Caroline Walker and the staff at Barnet Libraries for all their help. Thank you too to the Healthwatch Barnet volunteers who assisted, Alaa, Danny and Janice.
"You have to become your own GP"
While the majority of people we spoke to were satisfied or very satisfied with local health and social care, some we spoke to raised issues about problems they had experienced, and made suggestions about areas that need extra funding, such as learning disability services and CAMHS.
A number of people expressed frustration over the process for booking appointments with their GP surgeries, and more told us of the difficulties they are having finding an NHS dentist.
I was actually diagnosed incorrectly on a Zoom call with a GP last year
Read our report into Barnet people's experiences of accessing their GP remotely.
Healthwatch Barnet report into GP services
Read the results of our survey into local people's experiences of accessing GPs remotely and our recommendations.