Athenaeum Care Home - Enter and View

We carried out an Enter and View visit to Athenaeum care home – read our report below.

Our authorised representatives visited the home, and made a series of recommendations. Athenaeum provides residential care for older people, with specialist care for dementia and respite. 

We found a number of areas of good practice. These included the residents and relatives we spoke to describing staff as friendly and attentive. They also told us that residents enjoyed the programme of activities, and had plenty of choice around bedtimes and where they ate their meals. Relatives commented that they found the home to be clean and tidy, that there were good levels of staff cover, and that the home had been responsive to requests they had made on behalf of residents. 

We had safeguarding concerns regarding Athenaeum’s Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards processes, which are set out in our report. These concerns have been reported to the relevant bodies.

Our recommendations, and the home’s responses, can be found on p4-6. We are pleased to report that the home has accepted a number of our recommendations, including on dementia friendly décor, outside trips for residents, and reviewing whether their complaints policy is easily accessible. 

Athenaeum Care Home - Enter & View

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