Healthwatch Barnet is your local health and social care champion.  We are one of over 150 local Healthwatch across England. We’re completely independent and impartial, and are here to listen to the issues that really matter to people in Barnet.

We particularly welcome applications from groups that are less represented in senior NHS decision-making roles, including global majority candidates, disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, including mental health issues. 

Our Advisory Board supports our staff to deliver our work in the borough. It plays a key role in ensuring the involvement of local people in our work, upholding our independence, and supporting us to work with other local organisations. 

Our Advisory Board meets once every three months, usually for around 1.5 hours. The majority of board meetings will be online video calls, with some face to face meetings. Even for face to face meetings, there will always be the option to join by video. This role is unpaid and voluntary, although travel expenses can be reimbursed.

All applicants will be asked to complete a declaration of interests form, and to be prepared to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.  

To apply please email