Healthwatch Barnet Annual Report 2023 - 2024
Throughout 2023 - 24, Healthwatch Barnet championed local residents' voices and advocated for improvements to services. Read our Annual Report to find out more.

About us
We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services in Barnet. We are here to find out what matters to people, and help make sure their views shape the services they receive.
How Healthwatch Barnet has supported Barnet residents:
- 1,024 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us.
- 13,611 people came to us for advice and information, directly and via our website.
- Through our Community Connectors project, we carried out over 960 blood pressure checks, gathered residents' feedback and published a report. We are now working with statutory partners on the implementation of our recommendations, including through Barnet Council’s Cardiovascular Disease Task & Finish Group.
- We carried out seven Enter and View visits, to services including care homes and primary care walk in centres.
- Our Heathy Heart team supported over 900 residents to better manage their cardiovascular health, particularly focusing on our peers in Barnet's African, Caribbean and South Asian communities.
- Throughout the year, we’ve worked closely with the Barnet Health and Wellbeing Board and the Barnet Borough Partnership, to champion patients’ voices. For example, some residents told us they had negative experiences of hospital discharge - we shared detailed evidence on this with Barnet Council’s Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub Committee and the North Central London Integrated Care Board.