Enter and View - Leecroft House
Our Enter and View team visited Leecroft House.

Leecroft House is a supported housing service for adults experiencing mental health difficulties ranging from low, medium to high needs. The service aims to “help residents manage their accommodation and assist with reintegration back into independent living”.
Overall, we found that Leecroft House is a very well run service which actively seeks to meet residents’ individual needs in terms of both day-to-day support and the longer term goal of living independently. Specifically, we found:
- A positive staff culture, including good relationships with the manager and an apparent culture of improvement. Everyone we spoke to described it as a “family” environment. Since Covid, there has been less face-to-face education and training.
- Residents are respected as individuals and effort has been made to build a relationship of trust with them. Staff and the manager appear available to residents, although this can sometimes be harder due to volume of paperwork.
- Activities within Leecroft House appear to be generally well run, but the potential for external outings and activities has begun to be impacted by financial constraints, as well has having been impacted by Covid. In particular, residents are keen to return to Butlins and the seaside.
- Staff appeared concerned about a lack of mental health support in the wider system for residents, beyond medication needs.
- There is an empty bedroom that has been difficult to fill, in part due to inappropriate referrals and increasingly high levels of need among those in the mental health system. Some are also deterred by the shared living spaces and bathrooms. HWB felt that the quality of the service and facilities is not currently reflected in the information available online.
Read the report
Leecroft House – Enter and View Report