Snapshot Insight Report: Deaf People’s GP Challenges

We conducted a focus group with deaf residents in Barnet to gather in-depth qualitative data on their experiences with GP surgeries. Read our report and recommendations.

In April 2021, Healthwatch Barnet attended a forum with the Jewish Deaf Association (for people of all faiths and none) to discuss Barnet residents’ health and social care priorities and issues. The Barnet residents discussed the issues they have been having with GP surgeries, and, as a result of our discussions, we conducted a focus group with deaf residents to gather in-depth qualitative data on their experiences with GP surgeries. Their feedback has been broken down into 5 themes.

Key findings

  • Lack of provision for qualified interpreters and over-reliance on family/friends
  • GP staff not trained on being deaf aware
  • The impact upon deaf patients’ mental wellbeing
  • Accessibility in the use of written language
  • Difficulty with physical accessibility to GP surgeries

Read our full report below.

Find out more about the Deafness and Hearing Loss Toolkit created by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).

Deafness and Hearing Loss Toolkit

Find out more about the RCGP Hearing Friendly Practice Charter.

The RCGP Hearing Friendly Practice Charter


Healthwatch Barnet Snapshot Insight Report: Deaf People’s GP Challenges

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