Free lateral flow tests for eligible patients are now available at pharmacies

As of November 2023, eligible patients who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, can pick up free rapid lateral flow tests from a local pharmacy. This replaces the online and telephone ordering services for free lateral flow tests provided by GOV.UK and 119.
The NHS offers treatment to people with COVID-19. More information on who is eligible is available here.
How to get hold of COVID tests
If you're eligible for COVID-19 treatments, you should keep rapid lateral flow tests at home.
When picking up lateral flow tests, the pharmacy may ask you questions about your medical history to confirm you’re eligible for free tests. If you have a copy of a letter or email sent to you by the NHS that says you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatments, please bring this with you. A letter or email is not essential, but it will help to more easily and quickly confirm your eligibility.
Someone else can collect free tests on your behalf. If you do not have a friend, relative or carer who can do this for you then you may be able to book a volunteer responder by calling 0808 196 3646.
Anyone collecting free tests on your behalf should provide the pharmacy with your details and any relevant letters or e-mails about COVID treatments, if you have them. The required details include:
- The medical condition(s) confirming the patient’s eligibility
- The patient’s NHS number (if available)
- The patient’s full name
- The patient’s date of birth
- The patient’s address
How to get treatment
If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, take a test as soon as possible, even if your symptoms are mild. Only take a test if you have symptoms.
If you have a positive COVID test result and have a health condition which means you are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, you should contact either your GP practice, NHS 111 or the North Central London COVID Medicines Service* directly, as soon as possible after testing positive so that you can be referred for assessment to receive COVID treatment.
COVID treatments can reduce your risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 and need to be given quickly after symptoms have started in order to be effective.
If your test result is negative, but you still have symptoms of COVID-19, continue to test once a day for the next two days.
More information about COVID-19 treatments is available on the NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board website and also via the NHS.UK website.
The North Central London COVID Medicines Service is available at:
- Call 020 3838 7121 (available 10am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 12noon Saturday and Sunday), or
- Email (This mailbox will be monitored 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday).