1. News -

    The Silver Line is the only national confidential and free helpline, open 24 hours a day, providing information, friendship and advice for older people.
  2. Report -

    On Wednesday 14th June 2017 we celebrated volunteer's week with a celebratory lunch to thank all the hard work our volunteers have contributed throughout the year. We also had a guest speaker from Argenti Telecare Service who provide healthcare technology.
  3. Report -

    In aiming to address increasing concerns about the quality of care, service users in Barnet are experiencing; through this project, Healthwatch Barnet revealed a number of areas, which could reasonably be improved.
  4. News -

    Welcome to our Healthwatch Barnet newsletter for September.
    We have had a very busy Summer at Healthwatch but are looking forward to lots of new exciting work over the Autumn. You can also view the Annual Report.